What you need to know before ordering at FotoCondoom.nl

1.Quality of the condom

Condoms in Europe must comply with the CE. You can recognize CE condoms by the CE logo with a number on the condom foil. For example, all Condom Message condoms have been tested 3x for your safety. Condoms should be comfortable. That is why our condoms have a good fit, which unrolls more easily and is comfortable to wear.

2.Image quality 

The foil is printed in CMYK and may differ slightly from the original. In any case, there is often a difference between what you see on your screen and the real thing. The quality of our print has a lot to do with the quality of the image you send us.

3.Use of images/logos/texts

Make sure you are the copyright owner if the image/logo/text you are submitting and have permission to use it. For example, you may not use logos/images of existing brands for your image without express/written permission. Your classmates, exes and so on are nor allowed either!

4.Using the condoms 

Always read the enclosed leaflet before use. The leaflet can also be viewed online.

5.Exchange and return

Because it is a product specially made for you, you cannot exchange or return this product. Except in the case when we have demonstrably and clearly made a mess of it ourselves. 

For more information, see the general terms and conditions. Read more about ordering, pricing and payment, delivery, cancellation & returns at customer service.

Customer service. 

“Photo condom is part of Condom Message. See Condom Message for more info.


<!– Let op! Als ISO gecertificeerde producent van condooms hebben wij de mogelijkheid tot het bedrukken van condoom folies. Helaas zien wij bedrijven die soortgelijke producten aanbieden, zonder enige certificering of controle. Dit is wettelijk gezien niet toegestaan. Het bedrukken van condooms is een delicate aangelegenheid en wij raden daarom iedereen aan de aanbieder te controleren op de benodigde certificaten. Het proces van condoom folie bedrukking moet heel zorgvuldig gebeuren en daarom worden wij ook streng gecontroleerd. –>